
SPCC specializes in co-parent counseling, parenting coordination, custodial interference, and psychological coercion resulting in the rejection of a parent (formerly known as “parental alienation”).

We are here to help.
Schedule a Consultation Today

Divorce or separation can be a difficult time for everyone in the family. It’s important that the family is able to move forward to re-establish itself as separate but (always) connected entities. Sometimes parents need help with this. In addition to helping families look to the future, we also specialize in the dynamic of “parental alienation” which involves psychologically coercing a child to ultimately reject a parent. We help parents focus on the best interest of the child no matter what our work with them entails.

“In the midst of parental alienation with a toxic co-parent my world was spinning. I was confused, scared, and full of self-doubt. Lisa’s advice and guidance was invaluable in countering the toxic messages by my ex to my children and restoring my children’s bond with me. I would not have seen all the angles in this dynamic without Lisa. I highly recommend Lisa and I am forever grateful to her.” ~Reed J. (Coaching client)

“It is stressful for a child to reject a parent. That is not normal. That is not healthy.” ~C. A. Childress, Psy. D

SPCC has a number of services to help families that are struggling with co-parenting, custodial interference, and/or coercion of the children. You want treatment, not court. We can help. Here's what we offer:

Our Services

  • Coaching

    Training, instructing, and/or non-clinical counseling for parents to develop specific skills related to their current situation.

  • Parenting Coordination

    An alternative dispute resolution method for high conflict parents to keep you out of court and successfully implement your parenting plan.

  • Co-parenting Counseling

    Complete family assessment and effective co-parent counseling so you can work together for the betterment of your children.

  • Consultation

    Guidance or advice for you and/or your team (attorneys, GALs, mental health providers, physical health providers and schools) to give you insights and details about this dynamic.

  • Therapy

    Diagnostic assessment of the family dynamic, an accurate diagnosis, and effective treatment plan to treat child psychological abuse resulting in the rejection of a parent.

“Wow! I know so much more now and see a big difference in my relationship with my kids when I use the skills I learned. Thank you, SPCC!”

– Alex B.